Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Truth About Gym Memberships and also How to Make the Gym Workout for You

The reason that so many people have or once had a gym subscription, or understand a person with a subscription, is due to the fact that it has been successfully marketed as the entrance to fat burning.

With the population of overweight individuals expanding much faster than ever, this is not a surprise. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon for UK doctors to prescribe gym memberships for people experiencing excessive weight, depression or hypertension, at a price subsidised by the NHS. Clearly gyms are playing an enhancing role in the health and wellness of our culture, approximately it appears.

The fact concerning gym memberships:

According to TGI data, there are at least 4.5 million UK adult gym members and also a third of them are under 25; additionally those matured over 65 have climbed by at the very least 70% since 2000. Interestingly, just 27% of gym participants most likely to the gym regularly. In fact, a BMBR research exposed that 67% of gym participants in England do not utilize it in any way.

An investigation performed at the University of California discovered that the majority of us do not use our gym memberships since we begin over-confident. We believe we'll go to the gym typically and then congratulate ourselves when we purchase an expensive gym membership that financially rewards routine participants. If this study is anywhere near precise, after that it certainly doesn't say much for our feeling reasoning.

Fundamentally, the reason we have so much problem seeing our gym is not because of the climbing cost of subscription or rising joblessness, but even more to do with a loss of confidence, unmet expectations and maybe over experience.

Ways to make the gym exercise for you

Preserving healthiness as well as a fantastic shape requires healthy eating as well as exercise. Yet exactly how precisely could we make the most of the gym, without losing self-confidence and also handing over our hard-earned cash recklessly to gym proprietors. Here are a couple of enjoyable ideas to help make the gym exercise for you:

(1) Under commit- when registering do not make any presumptions that you'll go to the gym 3-4 days a week. This is just not true for at the very least 90% of the populace. Dedicate on your own to something you feel is means as well very easy; let's state 1-2 days a fortnight. You will possibly participate in more often (over supply) and this will improve your confidence levels

(2) Pick your gym wisely- most wonderful gyms have a feel excellent element regarding them. They have a vivid atmosphere, terrific customer care, individual fitness instructors or coaches accessible to assist and also help hold you to account. They additionally use a variety of equipment and tasks to maintain members interested, fully commited, challenged and also captivated.

(3) Make pals- if you do not have good friends to accompany you to the gym, you much better make some new pals at the gym. Often the gym exercise may not delight you, but the thought of overtaking a pal or potential various other (that's usually at the gym on particular days) definitely will. The gym can be the excellent justification to hangout and also enjoy with friends.

(4) Get budget friendly price strategies - it could appear impressive to your work coworkers that you belong to an unique gym, yet you've still got to remember it's you paying for this membership- not your satisfied colleagues. If you select a budget friendly price strategy, you won't need to hesitate after the very first 3 months.

(5) Dress with self-confidence - when sweating it out on the treadmill or in your fitness class, there is nothing that offers you greater self-confidence when you really feel comfortable and look great in your gym wear. It can in some cases be intimidating to be amongst other gym users when you don't really feel excellent in your very own skin, or clothing for that issue.

(6) Try something various - it's very appealing to adhere to exactly what you understand, specifically when you have no clue just how 90% the gym tools functions. The only problem is that it will just be a couple of weeks before you get burnt out as well as make a decision to give up on the gym. In an excellent gym, you will usually have personnel around that can save a minute or two to show you how you can utilize several of the various other gym facilities.

(7) Learn to do it appropriate - we so easily to obtain distressed and start criticizing ourselves or the gym for all type of insufficiencies, when really all we have to do is to discover how to use the gym devices the proper way; and also discover the correct strategies for exercising. So save yourself the pain and also misery of injuries, humiliation and also irritation; and get a specialist to teach you ways to do it right.

(8) Entertain yourself - it's no usage grumbling that the songs in the gym is as well peaceful or obnoxious, and even that the TV screens are also little. It's very helpful to have on you your much-loved workout songs that will most definitely obtain you in the mood. So, bring along your iPod or apple iphone; and also there's no reason you can't review your favorite magazine in the sauna.

Gym Yoga & Leisure Centers

Source here: The Truth About Gym Memberships and also How to Make the Gym Workout for You

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Weight-loss success: Woman loses 160 pounds in less than 2 years

At age 27, NaTasha Glaspy was on six different medications and weighed 376 pounds. The pills helped her manage her blood pressure, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. She realized she could ditch many of her prescriptions if she lost weight

Almost two years later, she’s dropped 160 pounds and no longer needs those drugs.

“The remedy for all my health problems was weight management,” Glaspy, now 29, of Winston-Salem, North Carolina told TODAY. “I knew I needed to take control over my life.”

RELATED: After weight gain and heartbreak, mom transforms self by losing 105

Glaspy had gained 70 pounds her freshman year of college and kept gaining until she carried 376 pounds on her 6’1” body. She also has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a hormonal disorder that causes insulin resistance in many and can make weight loss even more challenging.

To regain control of her life, she started slowly by taking a class twice a week at her local YMCA, designed to help overweight people become more active.

The first day the trainer told Glaspy she needed to walk briskly for 20 minutes and she balked. There was no way she could do it.

“It was overwhelming, but I kept going,” she said. “I told myself I would keep going along with this journey if after this program I lost 20 pounds.”

NaTasha Glaspy no longer needs medication for diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol.

At the end of the 10-week program, she had lost 23 pounds.

“I was excited and I was happy. I felt like, ‘Okay, I can do this,’” she said.

She started going to other classes, including Zumba, kickboxing and weight-lifting boot camps, four times a week. And, she changed her diet, cutting white carbs, sodas and juices and started eating more lean protein.

“It took me about three months to get this whole diet thing together,” she said. “The hard part is just figuring it out and having the willpower.”

When NaTasha Glaspy has a week where she only sees small changes she reminds herself that even tiny victories help her achieve her goals.

Since March 2015, Glaspy has lost 160 pounds. But more importantly she’s transformed her health.

“It’s very surreal because I had been taking high blood pressure medication since I was 16,” she said. “I am not a prisoner to all these medications anymore. My body can do what it is supposed to do.”

She hopes her success inspires others.

“It is totally doable and anything is possible when you believe in yourself,” she said.

Glaspy shared some tips to help others hoping to lose weight.

1. Celebrate the little milestones.

When the number on the scale only drops by one pound, it feels frustrating. But to Glaspy that little loss still helps.

“Small progress is still progress," she said.

2. Remind yourself of where you’ve come from.

When the plateaus feel frustrating, Glaspy looks at pictures from before her weight loss. Sometimes she even wears her old jeans. She now fits in one leg of her size 28 pants. This reminds her how much she has accomplished.

When Natasha Glaspy feels frustrated with plateaus, she tries on a pair of her old jeans to see how far she's come in her weight loss.

3. Just move!

Glaspy’s weight loss started with a brisk 20-minute walk. Now she works out four times a week for at least an hour. When she started, she never imagined she would enjoy exercise.

“You have to get up and you have to start moving. Don’t be like I was and sit and think about it,” she said. “Everyone starts somewhere.”

4. Figure out what motivates you.

Not needing medication inspired Glaspy. But everyone finds something different that encourages them.

“You have to figure out why you are doing this, for your health, confidence, kids. You have to stick with why you are doing it,” she said.

NaTasha Glaspy transformed her healthy by losing 160 pounds. She no longer relies on medication for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.

5. Eat what makes sense for you.

Because PCOS causes insulin resistance, a low-carb, high-protein diet works best for Glaspy. But she believes others need to pick a diet that works for them.

And, she urges people to be realistic. Every Friday she goes out to eat with her family and enjoys herself. She just researches the menu before to make smart choices.

For more inspirational stories, check out

Article source here: Weight-loss success: Woman loses 160 pounds in less than 2 years

Monday, January 16, 2017

How to Make Healthy Comfort Food Like Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

I think one of the biggest ways we set ourselves up for failure when it comes to healthy eating is by focusing on the things we can’t have. Cut out processed sugar. Don’t eat as many carbs. No packaged foods. Cut back on the meat. Cookies are the devil. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Instead, I’ve found that a much more successful mindset is trying to figure out how to add health to our diet. I call it the abundance mindset, and it’s how I approach every meal I make. When you focus on the fact that you get to eat all these veggies and whole grains and fruits and other good-for-you things, healthy eating suddenly doesn’t feel at all restrictive.

So let’s apply the abundance mindset to a classic winter comfort food—mac and cheese. Instead of removing stuff from it, how can we “boost” it to be a healthier, better-for-you version that still satisfies that need for something cozy and comforting? There are lots of ways to hack mac and cheese into a healthy dish, but this version is my personal favorite because it still looks exactly like the “real” stuff—thanks to a bright-orange sauce made from puréed butternut squash.

The squash adds in a ton of healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals, thickens the sauce without cream, and makes the color bright orange, just like the stuff from the box. (Which, trust me, as the mom of a toddler, I can tell you is pretty darn important.) Combine the butternut squash with a few other healthy swaps (whole grain pasta, milk instead of cream, and just a touch less cheese), and you’ve got yourself some healthy comfort food! Serve it with a giant salad (abundance mindset, remember!), and maybe some lean protein, and that’s a winter dinner that everyone will be happy about. Enjoy!

Stovetop Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Makes 6 servings


  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 cup butternut squash puree (see notes)
  • 1 cup whole or 2% milk
  • 1 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded Colby cheese
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1 pound whole grain elbow macaroni or shell pasta, cooked and drained


  1. Melt the butter in a large stock pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add in the squash puree and milk, and heat until hot, being careful not to boil, about 5 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat, stir in the cheeses until melted. Season to taste.
  3. Add in the cooked pasta, and stir until all pasta is well coated. Serve immediately.

Cook’s Notes

  • Either make your own squash puree by roasting a whole squash and smashing it, or take the easy shortcut and buy frozen squash puree from the frozen vegetable section at your supermarket.
  • Reserve a little bit of the pasta cooking water to help loosen up the sauce if it gets too dry; the starch in the cooking water keeps it from going liquidity.

Nutrition Per Serving

441 calories, 13.2g fat, 61.7g carbs, 18.4g protein

Read more about it here:

See full article here: How to Make Healthy Comfort Food Like Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Friday, January 13, 2017

Breaking Through A Weight Loss Plateau

Here you are going along your Reboot, losing weight and feeling great. Then all of a sudden your weight won’t budge. What gives? The weight loss train that was cruising along at high speeds and has suddenly slammed on its breaks. You feel like you’re doing everything “right.” Before those helpless feelings creep in and rear their ugly heads attempting to derail your Reboot, take a moment to review this list of tips to see how to get your weight moving in the right direction again.

Bump up your water intake. Getting adequate hydration is very important for weight loss. Our bodies are 70% water and the metabolic process of burning fat requires the compounds water offers us (those good ‘ole Hs, and Os).

Drink more juice. Taking in too little in terms of nutrients and calories can lead to weight refusing to budge. Essentially we are hardwired to prevent starvation. We gain weight easily and taking it off is difficult. This prevents starvation in lean times. Our environment has changed much faster than our genes. Lean times are rare for most of us, although let’s not forget that hunger remains a serious problem for men, women and children across the world and often right in our own towns. (I digress from our weight loss tips but want to mention this important topic).

Balance out your juices. Be sure to add some veggies to most if not all of your juices to keep calories and carbohydrates balanced.

Get moving. Walking is a great way to boost metabolism and weight loss. If longer walks are not feasible doing 3, 10 minute walks is a great and effective option. Moderate pace is best too, no need to be an athlete, just active. Cycling, stationary bike, water aerobics, tai chi and yoga are other good ideas for exercise.

Cut the sh*t. Some folks experience constipation during their Reboot. As a nutritionist we talk about these sensitive topics all the time but many are not comfortable discussing potty talk. Stool weighs a lot! When weight loss screeches to a halt it may be that you’re backed up. Check out our tips for constipation in the FAQ section. A bowel movement, especially if it’s been a few days can lead to a 2-5# drop in weight!!!

Hit the sack early. Poor sleep and lack of sleep are correlated with difficulty losing weight. Addressing sleep is often enough to get the scale moving again.

Check your weight weekly. While it’s tempting to get a daily number, this can do more harm than good. Everyone’s weight will bump up and down a few pounds day to day. It’s not meaningful in terms of actual weight lost or body composition changes but it’s very meaningful in terms of being discouraging and playing mind games.

Think big picture. Are your clothes fitting looser, have you lost inches? It is not unusual to see body composition changes before weight loss.

Practice patience. Research shows that our body’s internal environment will often change faster than our weight. Your blood pressure may be less, your cholesterol or blood sugar may be lower, you may have more energy, clearer skin or stronger nails and hair but that darn scale doesn’t show any of these achievements. Don’t despair! Your weight will move in time. Weight loss is a very complex process.

Connect with your supports. We are all in this together! Whatever your Reboot goals we are all here to support each other. When you are feeling down about your weight or any other aspect of the Reboot process please remember to reach out. You are not alone.

Everyone’s Reboot and weight loss journey is unique. It is always possible to tweak an individual’s day to day diet, activity and other lifestyle factors to get back on track. Shoot me a message if you have questions about how to get your weight loss or other Reboot goals back on track if your progress seems to be stalling. If you have found ways to get the results you’re looking for with your Reboot please share them with us!

Learn more about this here:

Originally published here: Breaking Through A Weight Loss Plateau

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

This Boiled Egg Diet Can Help You Lose up to 22 Lbs in Just 14 Days

Boiled Egg Diet

Photo: Mel’s Kitchen

You are not alone in your struggle to lose weight. It is estimated that a whopping 77 percent of Americans are trying to lose weight or maintain it. Some diets do not work, but this boiled egg diet will show amazing results within 14 days if you stick with it.

Boiled Egg Diet

There are a number of benefits to point out regarding this simple egg diet. For one, it doesn’t require you to buy a lot of products that might eat up your money. Second of all, this diet has been shown to increase metabolism and decrease the amount of fat in the body and you get all the amazing health benefits of eggs.

It also should be noted that those who stick with the boiled egg diet after it is over are able to maintain their optimal weight with no problem. Of course, like many other diets, it is vital that you stay hydrated. This means that you need to drink eight to ten glasses of water each day.

Remember the following:

  • Junk food must be eliminated.
  • Reduce the amount of salt used or switch to sea salt.
  • Sugary drinks or alcohol should be avoided, especially processed sugars

Tip: Be sure to choose a healthy salad dressing and be conservative using it.

Going Over the Egg Diet Plan

The following is going to be your diet, broken up week by week:

The First Week


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs. Then eat one piece of citrus fruit of your choosing.
  • Lunch should consist of two pieces of sweet potato and two apples of your choosing.
  • Dinner should be one large plate of salad, tossed with chicken or a chicken piece on the side.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, but you can change the citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should have green vegetables, the darker the better, and a chicken salad.
  • Dinner should be a vegetable salad. It should be paired with one orange and two boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should consist of your favorite low-fat cheese and should be paired with one tomato and one piece of sweet potato.
  • Dinner should be a simple salad with a piece of chicken.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be one whole fruit of your choosing.
  • Dinner is just a salad with steamed chicken.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be steamed vegetables and two boiled eggs.
  • Dinner is a salad and grilled fish.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be one whole fruit of your choosing, again.
  • Dinner will be a piece of chicken with steam vegetables.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be a tomato salad and steamed vegetables and add a piece of chicken, too.
  • Dinner should be a healthy serving of steamed vegetables.

Second Week


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should consist of a salad and a little chicken.
  • Dinner you can have an orange, one salad, and two boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch will be two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner you can eat one salad and a grilled fish.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch will consist of a salad and a piece of chicken.
  • Dinner will be an orange, vegetable salad, and two boiled eggs at the end of the day.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch you can eat steamed vegetables paired with low-fat cheese and two boiled eggs.
  • Dinner will be a little salad with one piece of chicken.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be a salad with salmon or your favorite grilled fish.
  • Dinner you can have two boiled eggs and a salad.


  • Breakfast should start with two boiled eggs, and your favorite citrus fruit.
  • Lunch should be a salad and a little chicken.
  • Dinner is your favorite fruit of your choice.


  • Breakfast – Time to eat that boiled egg breakfast you know so well!
  • Lunch you can have steamed vegetables and chicken.
  • Dinner will be what you had for lunch.

By now you should know exactly why they call this the “boiled egg diet”. These meals have almost no carbohydrates, and they are pretty easy to make. Keep in mind that any diet should be approved by your doctor.

Read more about this here:

Source here: This Boiled Egg Diet Can Help You Lose up to 22 Lbs in Just 14 Days

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Lepacious Bose Has Lost Some Major Weight!

Lepacious Bose is a lot of things. A woman of God, a comedian, and now a weight watcher and healthy eating advocate.

She is these things because she has a story to tell. After a near death experience due to her weight and size, Lepacious Bose decided that she was going to cut the fat.

Obviously it wasnt easy. It is not easy. It it will get better as time passes but that will be as a result of your pushing harder and  boyyy did she push.

She has worked tirelessly over the years to ensure that she never has to deal with the health hazards of obesity again.

Trust me, you don’t want to wait till you are lying in the hospital to start dropping the pounds. Take a cue from Lepacious Bose while you still can.


Lepacious Bose slim




Read more about it here:

Read more here: Lepacious Bose Has Lost Some Major Weight!

Monday, January 9, 2017

10 Bad Mood Foods — Yes, Poor Nutrition Makes You Crabby

Some things seem specifically designed to put you in a bad mood, like parking tickets or 40-minute wait times when you call customer service. But there is another rotten mood culprit out there: the bad mood foods that you’re eating.

How Does Poor Nutrition Contribute to Bad Moods?

Think about how you feel after inhaling a bowl of pasta or another heavy dish. Are you super alert or feeling sluggish and ready for a nap afterward? Or how about that “hangry” feeling, where no food or not enough food for too long can leave you irritable and snappish? Food has a massive influence on our moods and how we feel, whether they’d mood-boosting foods or the reverse.

That’s because what we eat affects the neurotransmitters our brain produces. These are the brain chemicals which guide how we’re feeling. Neurotransmitters like serotonin help us relax, while dopamine can help us feel more focused. The foods we eat provide the building blocks for these chemicals, as our brains extract the nutrients necessary from the foods we eat to create the neurotransmitters, which, in turn, regulate and enhance our moods.

But if our brains aren’t given the fuel they need to provide the right balance of neurotransmitters, we can be prone to mood swings, seemingly endless bad days and more. While foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like wild-caught salmon and avocado, boost our moods, low-quality food actually negatively impact your brain. For example, studies have linked ultra-processed foods like fast foods and baked goods to depression, greater aggression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. (1, 2, 3)

Our blood sugar also affects our moods. When foods are high in added sugars, the spike is followed by a crash when insulin starts to clear sugar from your blood. These sugar lows are often accompanied by headaches and irritability.

10 Bad Mood Foods to Avoid + Suggested Alternatives

So while you’re hopefully already skipping the drive-thru and turning your nose up at value meals, there are some bad mood foods that might surprise you. If you’ve found yourself feeling down in the dumps and have any of these foods or drinks in your diet, it might be time to swap them for feel-good foods instead.

1. Agave nectar

In the height of the high-fructose corn syrup crisis (still bad for you, by the way), agave nectar burst onto the health food scene. It was sweet, produced from a natural plant and low on the glycemic index scale, making it the perfect substance for marketing to diabetics. People began using agave nectar in the kitchen, from drizzling on pancakes to sweetening up desserts. But is agave nectar good for you? No!

The highly processed procedure that agave goes through to make it to store shelves involves stripping away the naturally occurring agave juice of all nutritional value. It’s made largely from fructose, the most damaging form of sugar, which is metabolized by the liver and not the bloodstream. In fact, agave nectar has the highest fructose content of any commercial sweetener you can buy, including high-fructose corn syrup!

When it comes to your mood, the high amount of fructose found in agave syrup increases your risk of metabolic syndrome, a collection of conditions including obesity, high blood pressure and insulin resistance, all of which can lead to a pretty crappy mood.

Good mood food alternative: If you want to sweeten things up, raw honey is a terrific swap. I prefer Manuka honey for all of its health benefits. Locally produced honey and organic 100-percent maple syrup are also great options.

2. Alcohol

Whether it’s winding down after a long workday with a glass of wine or ushering in the weekend at happy hour, alcohol sometimes plays a bigger role in our day-to-day lives than we realize. But if you’ve been feeling down in the dumps, it might be time to evaluate how much and how often you’re drinking. While alcohol can be good for you, particularly red wine, imbibing too frequently can leave you feeling pretty down in the dumps, well past that morning after hangover.

While you’re sipping your drink, you might feel cheerier, but your brain is busy at work, as alcohol triggers it to produce hormones that increase feelings of stress and anxiety. As a depressant, alcohol also reduces serotonin, the “feel good” hormone and affects the nervous system, all of which can lead to a bad mood.

Good mood food alternative: Limit your alcohol consumption to just a glass or two of red wine a week. Try gluten-free alcohol. Or, better yet, go alcohol-free and relax with some probiotic-rich, fermented cold drinks like kombucha or kvass.

3. Added sugars and artificial sweeteners

While it might taste good, when it comes to sugars, things don’t stay sweet for long. Addictive sugar sends our minds and bodies into a tailspin. After the initial high and inevitable crash, it increases feelings of anxiety, irritability and depression. It can also hinder the body’s ability to fight stress, making it difficult to unwind and chill out.

Note that this is added sugar in bad mood foods. Naturally occurring sugars, like those found in fruits, are usually A-OK. But those sneaky sugars added to food products — even some you wouldn’t expect, like yogurt, granola, condiments and bread — are what you need to watch out for.

Artificial sweeteners are just as bad, too. From chewing gum to no-calorie waters and even toothpaste, these are everywhere. Side effects include headaches, mood disorders, dizziness and migraines — and that’s just how they affect your mood!

Good mood food alternative: There are a ton of natural sweeteners available, from raw honey and stevia to coconut sugar and blackstrap molasses. Experiment with the substitute that works best for each individual recipe or your needs.

4. Margarine and other “butter-like” substances

These days, the refrigerated aisle of the grocery store is overwhelming. Between margarine, spreads made with a variety of different oils and a whole range of products “you can’t believe,” it’s tougher than ever to know what to choose.

But when it comes to choosing foods that make you happy and are good for your health, it’s best to avoid these smooth, butter-like substances. They usually are produced with fats that increase inflammation and have high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. These compete with and block out omega-3 fatty acids, natural mood enhancers, which messes with your mood and your insulin levels. And just because they say they’ve been made with olive oil does not make them better for you!

Good mood food alternative: Sticking to the basics and choosing good old grass-fed butter is your best bet here. If you’re purchasing it for cooking, ghee is also a fantastic choice, as it benefits rival butter, particularly when it comes to cooking at high heat — its smoke point is 450 F.

5. Coffee

Most of us kickstart our mornings with a cup of coffee and with good reason. The drink is full of antioxidants and can even prevent cognitive decline. But if you’re downing several throughout the day or find your mood isn’t as cheerful as normal, you might be entering into the caffeine overdose zone and doing more harm than good.

The caffeine found in coffee alters our mood by impacting hormones, neurotransmitter function and nerve signaling, all things that can leave you feeling less than stellar. It can also increase anxiety-like feelings by increasing your heart rate and making you feel jittery. And if you’re a regular coffee addict, just a day without it can cause withdrawal symptoms like headaches, drowsiness and a lack of energy.

Good mood food alternative: Try sipping on green tea instead of coffee. Not only is green tea anti-aging, but it has less caffeine than coffee. If you’re really just after something to drink, this turmeric tea recipe is anti-inflammatory, easy to make and tastes delicious.


6. Cocktail mixers

Generally speaking, being your own bartender at home is better for you and easier on the wallet, as you can control the amount of alcohol and exactly what goes into each pour. But if you’re using pre-made cocktail mixers to whip up those cocktails, you’re getting more than you bargained for.

Those “just add alcohol!” mixers are packed with sugar — and the same goes for those fruit juices you might use to cut your vodka or gin with. In fact, when it comes to the effect they’ll have on your body, cocktail mixers are pretty much the same: You’ll experience a sugar high and energy boost, followed by a sugar crash that can leave you feeling irritable, tired or cranky. The added danger is that since you’re consuming alcohol at the same time, you might be tempted to keep pouring more drinks in order to feel better.

Good mood food alternative: If you’re in a situation where you’ll definitely be drinking, skip these mixers and opt for healthier alcohol choices, like red or sparkling wine, dark beer or vodka with soda water and fresh lime juice.

7. Deli meats

You probably already skip out on processed meats like hot dogs and bologna. But check the packaging on your favorite deli turkey or chicken meat, too.

These products are often packed with fillers, preservatives, sugar and salt. Say hello to migraines, bloating, mood swings and even swollen ankles – ugh.  And if you’re buying non-organic, the animals these cold cuts are made from might even getting a dose of antibiotics as well. Remember, you are what you eat eats!

Good mood food alternative: Carefully read labels and choose brands without fillers or added nitrates. Or, better yet, roast and carve up your own birds to use in sandwiches, salads and everywhere you’d normally use deli slices. It’s more budget-friendly, too!

8. Egg whites 

I’m a massive fan of eggs. They’re an inexpensive, high-quality protein that’s readily available. So why are egg whites on my naughty mood list? Because when you get rid of half the egg, you’re also eliminating most of the food’s mood-enhancing benefits.

Eggs are loaded with nutrients our bodies require, like protein, B vitamins and choline, so they’re egg-cellent at supporting brain health and keeping our moods balanced. Because they’re natural, you also avoid the nasty extras that come with processed foods, like sodium, sugar and additives — and all of the crazy moods that those ingredients bring along for the ride.

But all that good stuff? It’s found in the yolks, not the whites. If you’ve been skipping them, you’re missing out on all of the delicious nutrition.

Good mood food alternative: Eat the whole egg! Just as importantly, however, is to choose the right type of eggs. Opt for organic, free-range eggs, which come from happier chickens and are better for you than conventionally raised eggs.

9. Non-organic fruits and veggies

While I always advocate for more fruits and vegetables (please, eat more!), certain types might actually affect your mood. By regularly eating non-organic produce, you might be getting a dose of neurotoxins along with your fruit and veg. If crops that have been sprayed with pesticides like atrazine or Monsanto Roundup, you’re likely getting remnants of it on your food. These chemicals have been found to affect mental health as well as causing nutritional deficiencies, particularly in minerals, which are essential for keeping moods in check.

Genetically modified fruits and vegetables can also introduce icky bacteria and disrupt your gut flora. Because the gut-brain connection is so strong, a gut that’s not at optimal levels can lead to mood swings and disorders.

Good mood food alternatives: Buy organic as much as possible. Make it budget-friendly by at least buying the organic version of foods on the dirty dozen list — these are the foods most often contaminated with harmful pesticide levels. Also shop at local farmers markets, where you can often get good deals on organic and GMO-free in-season produce, as well as speak to producers about the conditions crops are grown under.

10. Salted nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are a super handy, veggie-friendly way to get in a host of nutrients and vitamins, particularly omega-3s, which can be a great way for those who don’t eat fish to get their fill. But those salted, roasted varieties that you can buy at the store aren’t your best option.

These nuts are often pre-seasoned with vegetable and canola oils, which are made from unhealthy GMO ingredients, and should be avoided. They also usually have unpronounceable additives that pack on the sodium and can lead to mood swings and headaches.

Good mood food alternatives: Purchase nuts and seeds in their most natural form, like raw cashews. You can take them home and add on seasonings (I love Cajun spice!) or roast them to top your yogurt or other foods.

Final Thoughts

  • Is there such a thing as bad mood foods? Yes, the foods you eat affect the chemicals in your brain and your blood sugar, which all affect your mood.
  • Mood swings, headaches and sugar lows can all be side effects from the foods we eat.
  • Avoiding alcohol, foods with added sugars or other ingredients and sticking to whole foods as much as possible helps balance your mood and keep you stable.
  • There’s always a delicious alternative!

Read more about this here:

Post source here: 10 Bad Mood Foods — Yes, Poor Nutrition Makes You Crabby