Thursday, January 5, 2017

Weight-Loss Resistance Factors And How To Fix Them

The truth is that weight loss goes far beyond diet, exercise, and willpower. And research now confirms that lasting weight loss, good overall health, and the current obesity epidemic involve an unexpected web of complex factors and root causes.

You may never have considered some of these factors, but they could be causing your weight-loss resistance. Addressing and correcting a sluggish gallbladder, the body's microbes, magnesium shortfalls, or parasites will help you keep the weight off—permanently—and boost your metabolism in the process. I take a deeper dive into all of these factors with targeted protocols in my new book The New Fat Flush Plan, and once you identify and correct these issues, you can achieve successful and lifelong weight management.

1. A tired, toxic liver

A liver clogged with pollutants from chemicals, preservatives, and heavy metals or excess fats cannot perform its fat-burning and hormone-regulating duties. It’s generally well accepted that the liver preforms 500 duties. When you clean up your act, the liver and its brilliant bile will ensure perfect fat metabolism as well as efficient elimination of toxins and wastes.

2. False fat

You could be carrying anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds of water weight from fluid-clogged tissues. This "false fat" (a term coined by my friend Dr. Elson Haas) can be triggered by not drinking enough water or getting enough protein in your diet. Common food sensitivities (like corn, soy, sugar, wheat, dairy, peanut, and yeast), hormonal fluctuations (estrogen dominance and its accompanying toxic copper), as well as certain medications (notably antidepressants) are linked to the false fat phenomenon.

3. Fear of eating fat

It may seem like contemporary news that you can eat fat to lose weight, but I introduced this concept nearly 15 years ago in my book, praising the now mainstream consumption of avocado (a rich source of adiponectin), flaxseed oil for its fat-fighting and insulin-regulating virtues, and coconut, which is filled with medium-chain triglycerides that kick up metabolism by as much as 50 percent.

4. Insulin resistance and inflammation

Hormones like insulin can also dramatically affect weight gain. Insulin is triggered by an excess of carbs, so the key is to keep insulin levels low by eating a diet high in healthy fats and protein. Eating protein purposely stimulates the pancreas to produce glucagon, the hormone that counteracts insulin and mobilizes fat from storage.

5. Stress as a fat maker

Cortisol, the stress hormone secreted by the adrenals, is another fat-promoting hormone like insulin. Inadequate sleep interferes with the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates and affects cortisol levels, which are also elevated by a lack of sleep and everyday stress—whether emotional, physiological, or psychological.

6. A messy microbiome

Probiotics are part of the next wave of health and healing and are intimately connected to every organ, tissue, and virtually all health concerns. A skinny gut is also part of this new frontier; it should come as no surprise that researchers have found a link between weight management and gut bacteria in two groundbreaking studies titled "Microbial ecology: Human gut microbiomes associated with obesity" and "An obesity-associated gut microbiome with increased capacity for energy harvest," both published in the journal Nature.

7. Poor-quality bile

This is a game-changer. Bile is not only key for the digestion of fat and the excretion of toxins, but it may be the secret thyroid cure. According to a study conducted at Tampere University Hospital in Finland, hypothyroidism is seven times more likely in people who experience reduced bile flow. Another study that included thyroid specialist Dr. Antonio Bianco showed that the release of bile triggered the release of an enzyme that converts thyroid hormone T4 to T3 (key to thyroid function). This is critical for weight loss, as this is the very process that allows metabolism to take place in the body. Speaking of the thyroid, this leads me to No. 8.

8. Tuckered-out thyroid

When your thyroid is overworked, consequences are seen in almost every aspect of your health. This organ plays a decisive role in the regulation of your hormones, and this means it has a significant influence on your metabolism. When you restore your thyroid to optimum health, it can reignite your metabolism and help you get your weight loss on track.

9. Hidden hitchhikers (parasites)

You may be shocked to learn how many of us have parasites in our bodies—and have no idea! These critters can sneak in through a variety of channels, including undercooked meat at home or in a restaurant, contaminated water, exposure during travel, improper hygiene with animals, and even day care centers. Their presence in the body compromises your liver, disrupting it from performing its critical duties of detoxing your system daily.

10. Missing magnesium

In my experience with red blood cell intracellular magnesium testing, I’ve found that as many as three out of four people do not have adequate levels of magnesium in their body. This powerhouse nutrient is a superstar mineral that turns food into fuel. When your levels are lacking, your body doesn't have adequate power to trigger efficient fat burning and your weight-loss efforts are roadblocked.

These hidden factors are huge roadblocks on your path to successful weight loss and lifetime weight management. But by addressing them you can stop feeling frustrated and start living a brand-new healthy lifestyle that lasts!

Read From the Source:

Original post here: Weight-Loss Resistance Factors And How To Fix Them

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